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What is enumerate in python and how it works?

In this answer, with the help of examples, we'll learn and see how the Python enumerate() method works.

Example 1: Here is an example of how to enumerate() function works in Python:

# Enumerate function: enumerate(iterable, start=0)

# An object of fruits list (supports iterator)
fruits = ["Apple", "Banana", "Grapes", "Pear", "BlueBerry"]

# Now change this fruits list objects to enumerate object
enumerate_fruits = enumerate(fruits) # Output: <class 'enumerate'>

# Output: ((0, 'Apple'), (1, 'Banana'), (2, 'Grapes'), (3, 'Pear'), (4, 'BlueBerry'))

The "enumerate" is a built-in function in Python. That converts a data collection object (Iterable objects like lists, tuples, or strings) into an enumerate object.


We can say that the enumerate() method adds a counter to an iterable.

This can be useful for iterating over a sequence and keeping track of the current index. It can also be useful for creating a list of tuples with the position and value of each element.

What is an enumerate object?

enumerate object is also an iterator that produces tuples containing the position (position = index of iterator values + start) and the value of each element of the iterable object.

As we already know `enumerate` is a function.

Input parameters

enumerate(iterable, start=0) accept two parameters:

1. iterable (required, default = NA, type = iterator): A sequence or object that supports iteration.

2. start (optional: default = 0, type = int): A value from which to start counting for the position.

Return value

enumerate() return an enumerate object that is also iterable.

Example 2: Let's see how we can use enumerate() function in loops.

# An object of fruits list
fruits = ["Apple", "Banana", "Grapes", "Pear", "BlueBerry"]

# Simply loop over the enumerate object
for fruit in enumerate(fruits):
  print(fruit, end = " ") # Will print a tuple Ex. (0, 'Apple')

# Let's Unpack the tuple out of two variable in the loop itself
for position_index, fruit_name in enumerate(fruits):
  print(position_index, fruit_name, end= "\n")

# Now let's change default start value
for position_index, fruit_name in enumerate(fruits, 10):
  print(position_index, fruit_name, end = "\n")


# (0, 'Apple') (1, 'Banana') (2, 'Grapes') (3, 'Pear') (4, 'BlueBerry')

# 0 Apple
# 1 Banana
# 2 Grapes
# 3 Pear
# 4 BlueBerry

# 10 Apple
# 11 Banana
# 12 Grapes
# 13 Pear
# 14 BlueBerry

Hope you understood the complete concept of enumerate() function.

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